Friday, December 20, 2019

Culture And Culture Of Spain - 1370 Words

Culture of Spain Spain is a European culture that is based on a range of historical influences due to the migrations to Spain. Over the years cultures of Spain are known for their folklores in different social structures and diverse regions (Wren 18). World culture has been defined different by a number of scholars which all tend to agree in the same way. They tend to state that culture is shared by a group of individuals and transmitted through learning. Cultures shape humanity to a greater extent (Wren 18). In 1871, Tylor earliest definition is â€Å"Culture, or civilization, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities† (Wren 19). Every different location around the world has different ways in which one culture is unique and lives to next. These are the types of different cultures around the world; Western culture, Eastern culture, African culture, Latin culture and Middle Eastern culture. First, culture is de veloped by learning through experience socially in every different society. Second concept one should know is that culture shared by common people who live in a similar region (Franz 11). Third, social culture characteristics are developed by a society through social interaction. The fourth concept of culture has been transferred from older people; being that of one generation to the next (Franz 12). Fifthly, a culture begins gradual changes because with passing time until certain ritualsShow MoreRelatedThe Culture Of Spain And Spain1153 Words   |  5 Pagesis an overview of the culture of Spain. 1. Values and attitudes Family, including extended family is extremely important in Spanish culture and is the basis of society. Families provide a social and sometimes financial support network. 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