Sunday, February 9, 2020

Islamic Culture - Shari'ah Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Islamic Culture - Shari'ah - Essay Example As this occurs, there become boundaries that are created between the Islamic culture and those from other cultures. The more in which Islamic culture is defined without looking at the details of the neighborhoods, the more that the Shari’ah can be attacked while Islamic believers are created in one group of oppression. The Shari’ah, or the ethical standards of Islamic belief are widely accepted by the culture. However, there are also different areas of cultural acceptance that are throughout the world. The differences are based first on the segments of Muslims that are included in the religion and culture because of the generational approaches, such as children growing up in an Islamic community. This is followed by various communities that have changed according to the cultural location, specifically used to adapt to the region. The diversity of Islamic believers furthers with the sects that are a part of the Islamic religion, including most which are divided by the be liefs of Islam and the opposition which has been created to determine the value of the Shari’ah and other formations. The differences with Islamic belief are even further defined with more fundamentalist actions of individuals which interpret the writings of the religion in a different manner (Castells, 2010). The large number of differences of those in the Islamic culture is indicative of diverse thought and beliefs toward the Shari’ah as well as other actions taken in relation to the beliefs of the culture and religious identity. The differences which are associated with the Islamic community are often not recognized by others who are more distant from the religious beliefs and the cultural applications. This creates a sense of defining every individual who practices the religion or which lives in the culture as Islamic. Even though some groups are oppressed and others have various viewpoints, there is still the belief that each practices and performs the same belief s. The attack of others that are not familiar with the boundaries and divisions of Islamic belief then leads to an attack of the Shari’ah, specifically because this is the one account which every Muslim practices and lives by. The basic ethical code specifically defines the ways in which one should treat another. The attack against a specific group then indicates that the approach to treating others in the same regard is expected with the Shari’ah. This leads to expectations that the Islamic culture is expected to act or react in this specific manner. As this occurs, there is a direct affiliation with the Shari’ah being the main complexity that is associated with the community, as opposed to it belonging to the various Islamic groups (Tibi, 2010). Even though this is the specific approach that is taken with the expectations of the Islamic culture, there is a direct understanding that the actions based on oppression of specific segments or with the reactions take n against cultures are not aligned with the Shari’ah. The Shari’ah is one which focuses on the actions taken toward one’s neighbor as being important with acting in kindness and justice. This is further defined with the explanations of how to treat one fairly and with respect as well as actions which are not accepted in terms of Islamic culture and law. These various outlines toward one’s neighbor become the defining point of the Shari’ah (Hashimi, 1997). When there is a sense of a part of the Islamic commu

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